Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Organize Your Pantry

How to Organize Your Pantry Throw out things you don’t need or want anymore. If you spend some time going through all the snacks you have at home, you may find there are a lot of things you really don’t need or want anymore. That could be anything from the snacks just sitting in the back of the pantry that you never touch anymore to the junk food that you really do want to keep but you know deep down is bad for you. Regardless, throw out all the things you don’t need or want anymore, and you will most likely find that your pantry or food closet feels a lot more spacious than it did before. With the unnecessary things out of the way, it will be much easier to quickly grab the snacks you do want or eat often. While you’re at it, you should also take stock of the things you’re getting rid of. Consider what you don’t want anymore whether it’s a food you simply don’t like or an unhealthy food that you know isn’t good for you and remember it so that you don’t end up buying it again from the grocery store. And if these foods come in recyclable or reusable containers, take the opportunity to reuse and recycle! The environment will thank you. Use clear storage containers. Sometimes, keeping all your food in their original packaging can make things feel cluttered and messy. Half-eaten boxes of cereal, bags of dried fruit, nuts … whatever they are, your snacks may look more appealing and more organized if you put them into clear storage containers. That way, you can easily see the contents of the containers so you know exactly what you’re reaching for. If you’re looking to get even more organized, you can also create labels and stick them on the storage containers so that everything is easily identifiable. Categorize and group your snack items. If you’re really looking to stay on top of the snacks in your pantry, you can group them according to categories. For example, you can group similar items such as all of your canned food (tuna fish, tomato sauce, etc.) in one area and your boxed food (pasta, cereals) in another area. You can also certainly come up with a grouping system of your own that works for you whatever you’re comfortable with and will help you stay organized. Install racks and drawers. Another way you can organize your pantry is by creating more space for everything to fit inside and what better way to do that than with racks and drawers? You might not need both, but you can choose either racks or drawers based on what makes the most sense for your needs and the space you’re working with in your pantry. The size and shape of your food closet or food storage area may only allow for either racks or drawers and not both, which is something worth looking into if you want to create more space for your snacks and other food. Drawers may also be particularly useful if you tend to have items that always get pushed to the back of the pantry. Rolling out the drawer will help you easily reach what you need. Use Lazy Susans. If you keep spices and bottles in your pantry, you may want to try using a Lazy Susan. It will be much easier for you to reach these things if you can just spin them around on a platform instead of struggling to reach into the crevices of your pantry. Organize from low to high. If your pantry has high ceilings, organize your things in a way that makes sense for you. For example, if you’re not very tall, it would make more sense to put the things you use most often on lower rather than higher shelves. That way, you won’t have to struggle to reach things you need every time you want a little snack. There are a number of ways to organize the food in your pantry effectively. Think about what works best for you! And to get the rest of your apartment in order and looking chic, check out CORT Furniture Rentals for all your furniture needs. Looking for an easy way to furnish your off-campus apartment? Renting furniture from CORT saves you time and money. See how easy it is to get great looking furniture without breaking the bank.

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